Who We Are
We are both a teaching and outreach Christian ministry that desires to go into the whole world and make disciples for Christ in all nations. There is no greater revolutionary truth for our day and time than the truth that God is good. God’s goodness is so rich, so perfect, so abounding and so amazing that the understanding of this truth will transform our lives. When we develop a vital awareness of the goodness of God, our relationship with God will be more intimate, our faith will be strengthened, and our lives will become more fruitful. We must understand the goodness of God, if we are to ever walk with Him in power, faith, and joy.
The Goodness of God Ministries wants to restore your faith in the goodness of God, and deepen the image of God you carry in your heart into one that reflects His true good nature brilliantly displayed in all its magnificent colors. God wants us to know Him intimately, and to know that His character never fails. There is no mutation in the moral character of our God, and there is no flaw in His goodness. Once we begin to see, understand and believe our God is good and what that truly means, our lives will never be the same.
Unfortunately, the goodness of God is a lost truth in the world, and the devil wants to keep it that way. The devil has marshaled His kingdom to disseminate misinformation and confusion regarding the true character of God. The devil libels and slanders God viciously in books, on television, on radio, and on the internet.
There is a spiritual war going on to build massive unbelief against the truth that God is good, God is love and that God cares as the goodness of God is the pinnacle point of the spiritual battle that rages all around us. If you do not know and understand the truth that God is good, then you will turn away from Him. It’s the goodness of God that leads and brings us closer to Him. As a generation we have lost our faith in the goodness of God. As a generation we have become disheartened in our understanding as to the true character of God. This has often led to the conclusion that there is no God, or that God doesn’t care because of the evil we see in the world. Or we may believe that God is good sometimes, but the truth is that God is good always. God wants to be known. God wants to be understood. God wants to be loved for who He is, and wants us to develop a genuine appreciation of His awesome nature.
The Goodness of God Ministries wants you to see with your eyes and understand with your heart this great truth in the Bible: Psalm 34:8: “Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see-how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.” Nahum 1:7: “God is good, a hiding place in tough times. He recognizes and welcomes anyone looking for help, no matter how desperate the trouble.” To taste something means that you have had a living experience with it manifested in your daily life. It is an invitation to have an intimate relationship with God and to test Him to see if He is really as good as He claims to be. God wants us to experience, taste, savor, and enjoy His goodness. God doesn’t want us to just read about His goodness or just hear about His goodness, but the Lord wants us to fully experience His overflowing goodness in all things.
The goodness of God inspires us to run to Him with all our heart. There is a desperate need in our times to ignite an awakening of the heart to the goodness of God. The gospel is the GOOD news and it is the goodness of God that leads a person to repentance, the new birth and the complete redemption in Christ. Everything Jesus Christ did and everything He accomplished in his death, resurrection and ascension was good (Acts 10:38) and perfectly epitomizes the goodness of God. This gospel, the good news, sets forth a wonderful circle of goodness for the Christian believer. It begins before the ages in the heart of God with His glorious plan of love for you. It continues through the great realities of redemption and salvation for the believer and every good thing He has made you in Christ. His circle of goodness then continues in the everyday working of God’s mighty power in every detail of your life as Christ is formed in you and with His power and love you abound in every good work shining as a light in the darkness of the world. It continues to the good hope of Christ’s return, the extraordinary day when Christ comes back for you. You will be changed, meet the Lord in the air, and live forever with your Lord and Savior, enjoying His goodness throughout all eternity.
The Christian life is a celebration of God’s goodness. Christianity needs to focus once again on the goodness of God. We must not substitute the goodness of God for tradition and legalism that focuses on the works of man, or our own inadequacies and shortcomings, rather than on God Almighty. Everything that proceeds from the heart of God is good and he promises to surround and embrace us with His unmatchable goodness forever.